
My Ear Piercings Experience

3:53 AM

Hey there! 

Thought I'd share my piercing experiences since I love reading stories about people's experiences with piercings + it's a bit difficult to find blog posts or videos from other Malaysians sharing their stories in an in-depth way. 

I hope you'll find this post helpful. Feel free to comment or contact me  directly if you have any inquiries about piercings! 

(Side note: I don't know much about non-ear piercings, since I've never gotten one - but I can give general advice on stuff like jewelry, piercing parlors, aftercare based on what I learned from my piercer & advice given by professional piercers I follow)

If you're planning to get a piercing of your own, check out Guide To Getting Piercings In Malaysia and Types of Ear Piercings.

Ear Piercings Q&A

1. How many piercings do you have and where? (and when did you get them?)

Eleven ear piercings 
(as of January 2020)
Left: Double lobes, double helix, daith.
Right: Triple lobes, helix, conch, rook.


(Left) Double lobes + double helix   Neometal 2mm Clear CZ + 6mm Labret Posts
(Left)  DaithInvictus Jewelry Titanium Heart 
(Right) Double lobesElement Body Jewelry 6mm Titanium (Anodized Rose Gold) Clickers 
(Right) Third lobe + helixNeometal 2mm Aurora Borealis CZ with 6mm Labret Post 
 (Right) ConchNeometal 4mm Aurora Borealis CZ with 8mm Labret Post 
 (Right) Rook Neometal 2mm Aurora Borealis CZ + 6mm Anodized Rose Gold Curved Barbell with Aurora Borealis End

I like the dainty, sparkly look, so I chose smaller (2mm) cubic zirconia & aurora borealis gems. I chose the 4mm gem in my conch, because I wanted to highlight the colors of the aurora borealis gem. Prong gems instead of bezel gems because it gives off a more brilliant, sparkly look.

Going with a silver look in my left ear and a rose gold look in my right ear. Might change my mind later and just make everything rose gold tho ._.

If you plan on getting piercings - sketching out the general layout of how you want it to look or doodling on a photo of the place you want pierced - would be a good frame of reference for your piercer to have. It allows you to have a clearer idea of jewelry size and the final look, while giving the piercer an opportunity to share his thoughts on your preferences and advise you accordingly.

Finally upgraded all my jewelry to implant grade titanium!
(25 August 2019)

Previous setup before rook change.

First Lobes:

When: Age 8 (2005)

Where: Poh Kong Jewelry

Piercing Cost (inc. jewelry): Idk, my aunt paid for it. Prob about RM 15?

With: Gun

Pain level: 2/10 (with numbing spray)

Reason: My cousin was getting her first piercings done, my aunt offered to pay for mine, so I went for it.

Process: Two people holding piercing guns, counting down and shooting at the same time. Yup, it was terrifying and I almost ran away. Was in shock for a whole day after it happened because I was traumatized by the sound. They managed to pierce it evenly though.

Healing process: Had mild infection (because of the stupid butterfly backs that lets bacteria accumulate) and it got irritated sometimes. Kept them in for 3 years, they didn't close up when I didn't wear earrings for the next 2-3 years. 

Years later: I made the mistake of wearing heavy earrings with thin gauges too much so my lobes have that cheese-cutter effect now. Don't really notice it since I never take out my ear jewelry.

Second Lobes:
When: Age 15 (2012)

Where First: Tomei Jewelry store 

Piercing Cost (inc. jewelry): RM 15

With: Gun

Pain level: 5/10 (with numbing spray)

Reason: Bonding experience with friends.

Process: The girl who did it pierced one side at a time. I think she had trouble positioning the gun, and there was a bit of recoil which made me laugh hysterically when I freaked out.

Aftermath: The piercings looked fine, evenly placed from my first lobe piercings but the earrings were too tight. 

I had gotten the piercings done with 3 of my friends, one took hers out and let them close because they were uneven on both ears, 2 of them kept them in even though they weren't completely satisfied with the way they looked, and mine got badly infected (green discharge, heat, blood, swollen) so I took them out after disinfecting my ears.

Few months later: Got it repierced by my former Sunday School teacher who was an ex-jeweler who had a piercing gun.

Healing process: It got mildly infected. I waited it out and it healed. Crooked beneath the surface - like when I inserted new earrings, it was hard to find the back of the piercings. The
 holes didn't close up so I left it alone.

After Few Years (2016): I stretched them out from 20g to 16g on my own to straighten them out. (Did it by forcing the thicker jewelry in.. yeah, don't do this cause it gonna hurt like hell. Ask your piercer to do it for you, or use a taper to do it by yourself).

It was so itchy and a bit swollen for the first few days, but I held firm and kept the jewelry in for a little over 3 months till the piercings straightened out.

All my future piercings were done with needles because I did a shit ton of research and figured out that it was the best (and safest) option.

Single Helix:

(Taken right after getting pierced)
(Side view) 
(Front view)

When: 18th birthday - 21.01.2015

Where: Attic's Jewelry & Piercing

With: My first ever piercing with a needle!

Initial jewelry: Circular barbell with cubic zirconia ends (RM 19)

Process: The painful part was when the piercer was twisting the jewelry around to put it inside, otherwise it was bearable. I did feel the needle going in, but only for a bit. 

Pain level: 4.5/10

Piercing Cost: RM 85 

Aftermath: For the first hour or so, my ear felt like it was burning until my friends convinced me to eat something cold (ice cream) which reduced the burning sensation.

Healing process: Got irritation bumps constantly. C
ircular jewelry moves around a lot which aggravates the fresh piercing. It also gets caught in everything from your hair to your clothes to other people's clothes when they hug you too tightly. I also asked for a higher positioning on the ear, so it did get irritated by my spectacles.

Treatment: Switching to labret posts. 
I didn't do that straightaway because  I was afraid of setting back the healing process. It took me about 18 months to completely heal the piercing, then I waited another 6-8 months before changing them on my own because I didn't want to take out the jewelry without being sure I knew it would stay in place.

Double Helix:


When: 21st birthday - 21.01.2018

Where: Attic's Jewelry & Piercing

With: Needle.

Initial jewelry: Surgical steel labret studs with cubic zirconia gems (RM 50 for a pair, RM 25 for one)

Process: Since the jewelry is straight, it can be effortlessly inserted along with the needle and they just have to screw on the end(s) of it. I asked if the needle had gone in yet because I didn't feel anything.

Pain scale: 0.5/10 ('cause numbing spray)

Piercing Cost: RM 90 per piercing. Total = RM 180

Healing process: Did not experience any issues besides some minor bleeding and temporary irritation bumps (which is common with helix piercings due to it being located on the outer ridge of the ear). Usual itchiness and crusties.

Rook Piercing

When: 8 August 2018

Where: Attic's Jewelry & Piercing

How: Needle

Reason: I liked the date 8.8.18 😂

Initial jewelry: Curved barbell

Process: Hurt more because it's a curved barbell which means the piercer has to angle it slightly to get it in and then screw on the top and bottom ends. Also the piercing is in a tricky position, since I have small ears. 

Pain level: 5/10.

Piercing Cost: RM 130

Jewelry: Cubic zirconia surgical steel curved barbell (RM 28) -> Plain titanium curved barbell (RM 38) -> Invictus Jewelry 4mm White Opal with implant grade titanium 6mm curved barbell (RM 180) -> Invictus Jewelry 3mm Purple Opal (RM 80) [Soon: -> Neometal 2mm Aurora Borealis CZ with curved barbell with 2mm AB CZ gem (RM 143.16)]


Day 1: No issues. 

Day 2: I noticed a slight swelling.

Day 3: Woke up and my ear was even more swollen than before. It was super red, leaking lymph fluid and hurt to touch. The lymph node next to my ear hurt like hell too. Started taking painkillers to deal with it.

Day 4: Accidentally slept on it the night before and it got so extremely swollen, it scared me to death. I kept worrying that my ear would be deformed for the rest of my life and felt like crying at the thought of it.

Day 5: Finally contacted the piercer who initially advised me to retire the piercing, then told me how to care for it (saline soaks) and gave an alternative suggestion to have the jewelry changed to a longer titanium barbell. I suspected that it was a jewelry allergy.

Day 6: Went to Attic's to have it looked at and switch the jewelry. My ear was so swollen, it took forever to take the jewelry out and put a new barbell in. It also hurt like hell. Felt like someone moving a knife inside a wound. I was clenching my teeth, feeling slightly dizzy, shaking a little and grabbing onto my bag tightly. I flinched when she tried to tighten the jewelry. And breathe a sigh of relief and wiped my watery eyes when it was all over. I did almost instantly feel better afterwards though. The longer barbell gave the piercing more room to swell and the tension was gone. 

Day 11: My ear is mostly back to normal now (like in photo 2 of the collage). No more pain, only the usual itchiness and crusties that come with the healing process. It still looks a little swollen but rook piercings tend to swell up more than most in the early stages of healing. 

4 Months Later: Experience bleeding and swelling every now and then. I've had to change my rook jewelry three times which sets back the healing process. Gonna wait about a month or so to see how it progresses and if it doesn't improve, I might need to take it out.

1 Feb 2020: It's been a year and a half since I've gotten this piercing, and it still randomly bleeds and gets bumps occasionally. I'm keeping the piercing since I've had it for so long, but it's annoying me a little.

14 June 2020: Doesn't bleed or bump anymore, just a bit of crusties to deal with. It's taking much longer to heal than it should because of the trauma my rook has endured, but I'm happy with how it is now. Excited to change the jewelry soon. 

PSA: Sometimes your body reacts negatively to poor jewelry material. I never had any issue with surgical steel in my other piercings before, but I reacted quickly and intensely with my rook piercing. To be safe, go for implant grade titanium/solid gold right off the bat, so you don't have to deal with the pain, cost of fixing the issue and trauma later on.

Allergies can develop over time if you have prolonged exposure to the allergen so just be cautious. If your piercing turns red, hot and swollen without discharge, it's not an infection, it's an allergy. 

Issues can also arise from wrong piercing technique or using the wrong size/shape jewelry, putting too much pressure on it while it's healing etc. The best advice I can give is to go to a piercer you trust and feel comfortable enough with to broach your concerns about anything.

When I switched to a titanium opal curved barbell at Spec Body Art 😻

Rook jewelry changes.

(7 July 2020) 
Finally got my Neometal Aurora Borealis gem barbell in :)

Daith Piercing

When: 25 September 2018

Where: Spec Body Art

With: Needle

Reason: I've been planning to complete my ear setup for a while, and the daith has been something I always wanted to have - since I began my foray into piercings.

Jewelry: Titanium heart.

Process: Felt like a long pinch with a lot of pressure. Only hurt for a few seconds when the needle was inserted, but the process was over very quickly.

Pain level:4/10.

Piercing Cost: RM 80

Jewelry Cost: RM 40

Aftermath: Forgot I had the piercing, tried to wear earbuds and it bled for two days. I get bumps on it when I roll about in my sleep, but besides that, it's the easiest piercing to heal that I've ever had. The cartilage did swell for the first few months but it wasn't noticeable or painful. 

Conch Piercing

When: 5 January 2019

Where: Spec Body Art

How: Needle

Reason: I felt like my ear looked incomplete without anything in the middle, and I like the look of the rook, helix and conch together - it provides a sense of symmetry.

Jewelry: Invictus Jewelry 4mm white opal with labret post(RM 160) -> Invictus Jewelry 4mm cubic zirconia gem (RM 100) -> Neometal 4mm aurora borealis gem with labret post (RM 127).

Piercing Cost: Free (refer side note below)

Process: It felt like a quick sting. It was done really quickly though (it felt like just 3-4 seconds?)It hurt more because I had a stuffy nose and mistimed my breathing when he inserted the needle.

Pain level: 4/10

Third Lobe Piercing

When: 31 January 2020

Where: Spec Body Art

How: Needle

Reason: It's been more than a year since I got my last piercing, and I had some extra jewelry pieces. I've never gotten a lobe piercing with a needle and wanted to experience what it was like.

Initial jewelry: Neometal 2mm Aurora Borealis CZ gem and 6mm labret post (RM 113)

Piercing Cost: Free

Process: The fastest piercing I've ever gotten but it hurt a fair bit more than my cartilage piercings. 

Pain level: 7/10

(24 April 20) Four months later: 

My earlobe gets super swollen for a few days once in a while, because I sometimes sleep on my side unintentionally and put too much pressure on it. I should have gotten pierced with a longer post... there isn't enough room for swelling to occur. 

It's mostly just a moderate level of discomfort. The worst of it was when the whole jewelry piece (top + post) slipped straight out of my ear when I accidentally pulled too hard on the end. 

Honestly freaked out for a bit, because I was afraid the piercing would close up and I couldn't find my piercing taper anywhere... also kinda terrifying to install jewelry in a fairly new piercing. 

But thankfully, I found the taper, cleaned it up along with my earlobe + jewelry, and it actually wasn't that hard, or painful to put in the jewelry on my own. 

Advice: If you're worried this might happen to you, use jewelry with 3mm+ gems and longer labret post with a disk that's at least 4mm. And have a piercing taper on hand - if you're worried about your jewelry falling out and not being able to get to the piercing parlor on time to put it back in. I use an 18g Neometal taper I bought from BodyArtForms.

Side note: 

Ronny (the piercer at SBA that I go to) offered me  a discount on my piercings going forward (so I don't pay for the piercing costs, only the jewelry) because he appreciated the review I wrote here

I was surprised and very thankful because I didn't expect it and I think it's extremely kind of him to do this for me because the piercing materials they use costs a significant amount of money to obtain/maintain. 

I'm grateful and also feel kinda guilty because they also did me a favor by letting me film and interview them and I didn't really do much besides thanking them for it.

I'm disclosing this for the sake of transparency. I don't intend to let it affect my review of either Attic's or Spec Body Art but I also acknowledge that biases are a part of human nature so I will try to be aware of mine, and focus more on the facts instead of my feelings.

2. Do you regret any of your piercings?
- I regret piercing my lobes with a gun. I didn't know piercing needles existed (honestly thought needle meant sewing needle) and I probably wouldn't have been able to afford it back then.

3. What was your most painful piercing?
- Repiercing my second lobe piercings hurt because even though the previous piercings were healed, there was a lot of scar tissue. Not to mention the repeated infections I had for almost a year... agh. 

- Also, my rook piercing during the healing process. Made me cry a few times because it hurt like hell.

4. Would you get another piercing and if so, where?
- I don't feel like it, at the moment. I'm happy with how my ear piercings look right now + I like the look of body piercings but they aren't compatible with my current lifestyle and the fact that I'm prone to accidents.

5. What do my piercings represent?
First lobe piercings: Fun, really. Besides that, for a somewhat tomboyish girl, growing up, jewelry was one of the few feminine things that I enjoyed. And I like sparkly stuff.

Second lobe piercings:  Time with my best friends when we were excitable, loud and adventurous. It was also a bonding experience since we all suffered together, HAHA.

Single helix piercing: Coming of age - 18th birthday. It marked the uncertainty of the next step in life I was about to take and a memento of who I was.

Double helix piercings: Marks another milestone on my 21st birthday. The "Oh shit, I'm an adult but I don't feel like it" moment.

Rook + Daith + Conch + Third lobe: Me being more spontaneous, instead of waiting months or years to get a piercing I want. And also to complete my setup :)

6. What are the upsides or downsides of having piercings?

  • It fits my vibe and personality.
  • Curating piercings is fun.
  • I can use all the fancy expensive body jewelry.. once I can afford it.
  • Not being able to sleep on my sides while they're healing.
  • Expensive, if you do it right (piercing needle + high quality jewelry)
  • Hurts when I accidentally touch it or if someone hugs me suddenly and squeezes me tightly when it's still healing.
  • Irritation bumps occur and they sucks. 

7. Your opinion about piercings.
Growing up in an Asian society, I was always told that excessive piercings are unnecessary or made people look wild/gangster/etc.

I used to admire my Indian kindergarten teachers' nose piercings because they always seem to wear the coolest gold studs with interesting shapes and designs. 

Then Pinterest/Weheartit/Tumblr happened and I discovered all the different types of piercings that exist. That's when I fell in love.

My opinion in body modification is just that everyone has a right to choose what to do with their own body. I hate it when people are judgmental or critical of the choices that people make just because they don't agree with them. 

I don't like several types of piercings or tattoos on myself, but I respect people's rights and preferences so I don't think too much of it when people have them.

8. Future plans.
I just have to change my rook jewelry, and anodize my daith jewelry to rose gold, to get the cohesive, curated look I want.

9. What jewelry do you wear? 

Threadless titanium implant grade jewelry

I recommend not cheapening out on body jewelry, since it's something that you're probably gonna be wearing more often than not for a good few years.

I order the Neometal Jewelry I have from BodyArtForms when they have "20-30% off all products" sales. The piercing parlor I go to (Spec Body Art) uses implant grade body jewelry from Invictus Jewelry, Neometal Jewelry, Anatometal Jewelry, and will be bringing in more brands like BVLA soon.

It's worth the investment, considering durability of higher quality jewelry and the benefits of avoiding allergic reactions/irritations/infections. The downsides of using cheap poor quality jewelry far outweighs the cost of getting expensive better quality jewelry. 

I developed a nickel allergy from years of using surgical steel/mystery metal jewelry in my ears - resulting in itchiness, sores, irritation bumps, swelling, and infections. It's something that can happen over time, even if you don't have any nickel allergies initially.

Piercings are a luxury, not a necessity. I usually plan my piercings in  advance, estimate the cost of piercing and jewelry, then save up for it. Otherwise, I only get them when I have enough money to spare.

Anyway, that's all for now :)

Till next time!

Related Posts:

Guide To Piercings

Malaysian Piercing Parlors Review

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  1. Hi there Lyn! I'm planning to get my helix done this month, (also marking my 21st birthday) ;) and I'm in a dilemma choosing between Attic and Dragonfly. The last time I went to Attic (both at 1 utama and Pyramid) the piercers looked like foreigners -no hate against foreigners tho- just questioning their credibiility and hygiene level. P.S. I'm a really paranoid person. Did you have yours done by them too?

    1. Hey sorry for the late reply :( I didn't see your comment earlier! My two cents (assuming you haven't gone to get pierced yet haha) - I have never gotten pierced at Dragonfly's but I've heard that their tattoos aren't as good as other tattoo parlors which makes me question how good the piercings would be. I've been to Attic's for most of my piercings, and they've consistently done a good job with the placement of the piercing, keeping up to date with aftercare advice (following the Association of Professional Piercers guidelines)and my piercings have healed or are healing without any issues (besides the usual irritation bumps from having glasses and hair). If you have any issues with yours, you can always go back for a free checkup or DM them on Instagram to ask for advice on what to do. I'd suggest getting pierced with a titanium labret or straight barbell for easier healing :) Hope this helps!

    2. Also forgot to add that they do sanitize everything, and if you have any concerns, feel free to ask them about it :)

    3. Hey! No worries at all! I'm getting them this Wed, so you were just on time, thank you so much for your advice. Fingers crossed! Also is there an additional price for the titanium labret and straight barbell?

    4. That's good :) You're welcome! Yeah, it'll cost an extra RM30ish or more depending on the style you choose. Try asking them on Instagram about how much it'll cost before you go there :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Lynn, which cleaning solution will u recommend? I just got my Helix piercing hours ago (by gun) and now only notice need aftercare cleaning. My last lobe piercings easily 20 yrs ago. Suddenly impulse piercing so not ready with aftercare. Hopefully u can help recommend. Tq

    1. Hey Carmen, first suggestion is to clean (don't touch!) it with warm water when you're in the shower. I also suggest buying the Rinscap Saline Solution, you can find it on Shopee and it's not expensive :) Only need to spray 1-2 times a day. Hope this helps!

    2. Thanks Lyn. Currently I wash it with the mixture of sea salt and hot water. Is that OK?

    3. Hi, yes! But make sure you don't use too much salt because it'll dry out your ear and irritate it :)

  4. Hi! This post was really helpful for me and I enjoyed reading it. I was just wondering where you got your double helix piercing done? Also I've got all my lobe piercings done with a gun so I'm a bit hesitant about using a needle. Which one do you reccommend? Thank you!

    1. Hey, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I had my double helix done at Attic's, but I recommend Spec Body Art (SS15/Sungei Wang) bc they focus more on cleanliness + affordable high quality jewelry than Attic does :) Needle is actually much safer (https://mainelynreviews.blogspot.com/2018/10/guide-to-piercings.html?m=1) and all my piercings done with needle healed much better than my gun piercings did. Hope this helps!

    2. Yes thank you so much! I'll consider using needle :)

  5. Hi Lyn. Thanks for your infos on the piercing stuff.Enjoy reading it.Just would like to find out,which piercing parlor offers cheaper price,izit Attic or Specbodyworks? Since you have experienced piercing at both places.Really appreciate your respond :)

    1. Hey! SpecBodyArt is cheaper for the cost of piercing. Their jewelry (if you wanna upgrade to a design) is a bit more expensive because they use high quality stuff.

      Also I listed the price comparison here (https://mainelynreviews.blogspot.com/2018/10/malaysian-piercing-parlors-review.html) if you wanna see.

      For both places, there's an extra charge for upgrading jewelry (depends on what you want, but you can contact them directly through Instagram/Whatsapp to ask before you go there!)

  6. Nice article! if you are looking for piercing jewelry at a good price and can ship anywhere, you can always buy from a wholesaler. For example achadirect.com has really cheap but quality piercings, although the minimum order is around 150$ or so.

  7. Nice article! if you are looking for piercing jewelry at a good price and can ship anywhere, you can always buy from a wholesaler. For example https://www.achadirect.com/ has really cheap but quality piercings, although the minimum order is around 150$ or so.

  8. Hey Lyn! Came across with this article while searching for needle piercings shop available in Malaysia. Just wanna say it is really helpful and I appreciate it! Thanks so much<3

    1. Super late reply, but I'm glad you found this helpful and thank you for your kind comment! <3

  9. Hey, would like to say thanks for writing this, these information is super helpful. Ty!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Firstly thanks for sharing this blog it contain a lot of information about Non-Piercing Body Jewelry

  12. Hey. Your blog has been very helpful! I just got pierced by Ronny at Spec Body Art. He was great. I've been looking at the website you recommended to buy jewelry (bodyartforms) to survey and plan how much money I should save up to upgrade my jewelry in a year. I have trouble understanding how to buy the titanium threadless labret post. My conch was pierced with a 14 gauge. On the website they have multiple lengths - 3/16, 1/4, etc. How do I know what length to buy?

    1. Hi, glad my blog posts have been useful & that you had a good experience with Ronny!

      If you plan to buy jewelry from BAF, check out - https://bodyartforms.com/blog/calendars.asp for next year's sales (no sales during COVID19 tho). Typically Jan, July, Nov-Dec will have aboout 20-30% sales so watch out for that!

      Hmm... well the gauge refers to the thickness of the post, not the length.

      If you click "Sizing help" beside the description, it converts inches to cm. It really depends on the thickness of your ear, but I'd say about 8mm (5/16) is the standard length for most conch piercings.

      If you aren't sure, you can ask Ronny what length you were pierced with. Once your piercing has healed completely (and when there's no more swelling or bumps), try to see if it's too long or just right and choose a shorter length or the one you already have based on that.

      Just to add, BAF doesn't list Malaysia in the list of countries they ship to, so if you're from here - you can email them to ask them to help add your shipping/billing information :)

      Hope this helps!

  13. Hey. Your blog has been very helpful! I just got pierced by Ronny at Spec Body Art. He was great. I've been looking at the website you recommended to buy jewelry (bodyartforms) to survey and plan how much money I should save up to upgrade my jewelry in a year. I have trouble understanding how to buy the titanium threadless labret post. My conch was pierced with a 14 gauge. On the website they have multiple lengths - 3/16, 1/4, etc. How do I know what length to buy?

    1. Hi. Just noticed that BodyArtForms doesn't ship to Malaysia. How do you buy their jewelry?

    2. https://bodyartforms.com/contact.asp

      Tell them you're from Malaysia & you'd like to buy from them, they'll help you edit your shipping & billing info!

      (Previous reply to another one of your comments)
      Hi, glad my blog posts have been useful & that you had a good experience with Ronny!

      If you plan to buy jewelry from BAF, check out - https://bodyartforms.com/blog/calendars.asp for next year's sales (no sales during COVID19 tho). Typically Jan, July, Nov-Dec will have aboout 20-30% sales so watch out for that!

      Hmm... well the gauge refers to the thickness of the post, not the length.

      If you click "Sizing help" beside the description, it converts inches to cm. It really depends on the thickness of your ear, but I'd say about 8mm (5/16) is the standard length for most conch piercings.

      If you aren't sure, you can ask Ronny what length you were pierced with. Once your piercing has healed completely (and when there's no more swelling or bumps), try to see if it's too long or just right and choose a shorter length or the one you already have based on that.

      Just to add, BAF doesn't list Malaysia in the list of countries they ship to, so if you're from here - you can email them to ask them to help add your shipping/billing information :)

      Hope this helps!

  14. Very interesting post.The trend that never fades is piercing.All the pictures you shared it clearly tell us about the piercing very well.Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

  15. One of my favourite blog. Piercing is a trend that never changed.Thanks for this beautiful post.

  16. Hello! This post was extremely beneficial to me, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I was curious as to where you got your double forward helix piercing
    done. Also, I've had all of my lobe piercings done with a gun, so I'm a little wary of using a needle. Which one do you think is the best? Thank you very much!

    1. Hey, I'm glad you like it :) I suggest reading this post I wrote - http://mainelynreviews.blogspot.com/2018/10/malaysian-piercing-parlors-review.html?m=1 - for more info. I recommend Spec Body Art to get pierced at - experienced piercer, high standard of cleanliness, good quality jewelry. A piercing needle is better - it's single use (to prevent transmission of bacteria), sharper, more accurate and I personally found that my piercings healed better when pierced with a needle. It looks scary but the pain only last a few seconds and needle piercers usually go through extensive training (body anatomy, cleanliness, piercing techniques) compared to gun piercers who barely receive any training at all. Happy piercing :D

  17. What a beautiful post! I loved the tips you have given in this article. Here are some tips Unicorn jewelry /. Thank you for this lovely post!

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  19. These ear piercing are awesome ideas. Keep posting

  20. Hey, its wonderful Blog!! good one!! cheers!

  21. very nice pricing
    mavi. rashad@lfu.edu.krd

  22. Piercings on different parts of the ear can require different forms of after-care and different pain tolerance levels. This article has a great breakdown of where, when, and how people got their piercings for others' reference! Thanks for sharing!

  23. Hello! Thanks for sharing your piercing experiences. It's always interesting to hear personal stories, especially when it comes to piercings. Your insights could be valuable for others considering getting pierced, especially in Malaysia. It's great that you're offering to provide advice on jewelry, piercing parlors, and aftercare. If anyone's looking for more information on piercings, your guide and recommendations could be a helpful resource. Also, I'll be sure to check out missori.in for more insights and information. Keep up the great work!

  24. Getting your ears pierced can be a fun process to go through, especially if it is your first time. Having a first-hand account of someone’s experience makes it more relatable! Thanks for sharing!

  25. I rock a triple lobe with conch and a double lobe

  26. Gold Piercings are a sign of quality and luxury in body jewelry
